Chicago Fire is a professional club in the US football stand that has showm prominence in the MLS competitions. Nevertheless, they have helped themselves by facing bigger competitors with an outstanding success that is above normal. If you are looking for the best moments of this club, fortune came their way as they have appeared in the MLS competitions on a greater stand. They have appeared also in several championships that proved their salience to reign. Chicago Fire is a great team maintaining a great value in the America football stand and has maintained a great record in existence. In 2010, the club came to a greater stand of existence based on the appearance in the MLS competition. In 2000, the team won the MLS cup and sporters shield. This club has also shown up in 1998 and 1999 football arrangement only to build a stand that is worth approaching.Chicago Fire has appeared in the MLS competitions on several note. This club is among the first 10 that started the MLS competition and has done well as matter of participation. Having a 15-years record in existence, the club has been known for excellence. This really brought out the value of this great club to the public. It has also won several competition such as the open 2004 cup Lamar Hunt competition. In 1996, the team played its first game and gave the fans several outstanding features that can carry for a long time. This club is really a great future for the American football. Chicago Fire in 1996 won the Colorado Rapids in a well-known stadium bring the team to a greater opportunity of going higher in the America football terrain. In 1997, their record went up winning the western conference regular championship and did great well. This club has been growing with greater features to attract a positive result of hard-work.